GatsbyJS Source Plugin for Agility CMS
This is the offical Agility CMS source plugin for GatsbyJS.
For an example on how this can be used in a website see Agility CMS GatsbyJS Starter.
Install it:
npm install --save @agility/gatsby-source-agilitycms
Ensure you have a gatsby-config.js
file in the root of your website and set the following:
* Configure your Gatsby site with this file.
* See:
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: "Agility CMS Gatsby Starter",
plugins: [
// The name of the plugin
resolve: "@agility/gatsby-source-agilitycms",
options: {
// If you are debugging content from Agility CMS, you can set this to `true`
debug: false,
// Your Agility Content Fetch API Guid
guid: '046a1a87',
// Your Agility Content Fetch API Key
apiKey: 'defaultlive.2b7f3a91559d794bedb688358be5e13af2b1e3ae8cd39e8ed2433bbef5d8d6ac',
// Set this to true if you are using the preview API Key
isPreview: agilityConfig.isPreview,
// A list of reference names you want to include in your GraphQL store
sharedContent: ["posts", "globalheader"],
// Your list of languages
languages: [{
// The name of the language code
name: "English",
// The actual language code set in Agility CMS
code: "en-us",
// The name to be used in the URL path that represents the current language
path: "en",
// The path to the Agility CMS page that you want to use as your root/home page
homePagePath: "/home"
// The name of the language code
name: "French",
// The actual language code set in Agility CMS
code: "fr-ca",
// The name to be used in the URL path that represents the current language
path: "fr",
// The path to the Agility CMS page that you want to use as your root/home page
homePagePath: "/chateau"
// The channels you want to include
channels: [{
// The reference name for the website channel as it is defined in Agility CMS
referenceName: "website"
// The master page template that will be used to render Agility CMS pages
masterPageTemplate: "./src/templates/AgilityPage.js",