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Submit to Plugin Library

Publishing a plugin to the library

In order to add your plugin to the Plugin Library, you need to:

  1. publish a package to npm (learn how here),
  2. include the required files in your plugin code,
  3. include a keywords field in your plugin’s package.json, containing gatsby and gatsby-plugin,
  4. and document your plugin with a README, there are plugin templates available to be used as reference.

After doing so, Algolia will take up to 12 hours to add it to the library search index (the exact time necessary is still unknown), and wait for the daily rebuild of to automatically include your plugin page to the website. Then, all you have to do is share your wonderful plugin with the community!



You can include other relevant keywords to your package.json file to help interested users in finding it. As an example, a Markdown MathJax transformer would include:


If you include images in your plugin repo’s README, please make sure you are referencing the image using an absolute URL in order for the image to show on your plugin page.

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