Gatsby Image API
Part of what makes Gatsby sites so fast is its recommended approach to handling images. gatsby-image
is a React component designed to work seamlessly with Gatsby’s native image processing capabilities powered by GraphQL and gatsby-plugin-sharp to easily and completely optimize image loading for your sites.
Note: gatsby-image is not a drop-in replacement for
<img />
. It’s optimized for responsive fixed width/height images and images that stretch the full-width of a container. There are also other ways to work with images in Gatsby that don’t require GraphQL.
In this doc
Setting up Gatsby Image
To start working with Gatsby Image, install the gatsby-image
package along with necessary plugins gatsby-transformer-sharp
and gatsby-plugin-sharp
. Reference the packages in your gatsby-config.js
file. You can also provide additional options to gatsby-plugin-sharp
in your config file.
A common way to source images is to install and use gatsby-source-filesystem
to connect your local files, but other source plugins can be used as well, such as gatsby-source-contentful
, gatsby-source-datocms
and gatsby-source-sanity
For in-depth install instructions, check out the docs on Using Gatsby Image.
Gatsby image starts with a query
To feed file data in to Gatsby Image, set up a GraphQL query and either pass it into a component as props or write it directly in the component. One technique is to leverage the useStaticQuery
Common GraphQL queries for sourcing images include file
from gatsby-source-filesystem, and both imageSharp
and allImageSharp
from gatsby-plugin-sharp, but ultimately the options available to you will depend on your content sources.
Note: you can also use GraphQL aliases for querying multiple images of the same type.
See below for code examples of queries and how to use them in components.
Types of images with gatsby-image
Gatsby image objects are created through GraphQL methods. There are two types of image optimizations available, fixed and fluid, which create multiple image sizes (1x, 1.5x, etc.). There is also the resize method, which returns a single image.
Images with a fixed width and height
Automatically create images for different resolutions at a set width or height — Gatsby creates responsive images for 1x, 1.5x, and 2x pixel densities using the <picture>
Once you’ve queried for a fixed
image to retrieve its data, you can pass that data into the Img
Fixed image query parameters
In a query, you can specify options for fixed images.
(int, default: 400)height
(int, default: 50)
This is where fragments like GatsbyImageSharpFixed
come in handy, as they’ll return all the above items in one line without having to type them all out:
Read more in the gatsby-plugin-sharp README.
Images that stretch across a fluid container
Create flexible sizes for an image that stretches to fill its container. E.g. for a container whose max width is 800px, the automatic sizes would be: 200px, 400px, 800px, 1200px and 1600px – enough to provide close to the optimal image size for every device size / screen resolution. If you want more control over which sizes are output you can use the srcSetBreakpoints
Once you’ve queried for a fluid
image to retrieve its data, you can pass that data into the Img
Fluid image query parameters
In a query, you can specify options for fluid images.
(int, default: 800)maxHeight
(int, default: 50)srcSetBreakpoints
(array of int, default: [])fit
(string, default:[][6]
(string, default:rgba(0,0,0,1)
This is where fragments like GatsbyImageSharpFluid
come in handy, as they’ll return all the above items in one line without having to type them all out:
Read more in the gatsby-plugin-sharp README.
Resized images
In addition to fixed and fluid images, the gatsby-image API allows you to call a resize
method with gatsby-plugin-sharp
to return a single image as opposed to multiple sizes. There are no default fragments available for the resize method.
(int, default: 400)height
(int, default: 50)jpegProgressive
(bool, default: true)pngCompressionLevel
(int, default: 9)base64
(bool, default: false)
Resize returns an object with the following items:
Shared query parameters
In addition to gatsby-plugin-sharp
settings in gatsby-config.js
, there are additional query options that apply to both fluid and fixed images:
(bool, default: false)duotone
(bool|obj, default: false)toFormat
(string, default: ``)cropFocus
(string, default:[sharp.strategy.attention][6]
(int, default: 4)
Here’s an example of using the duotone
option with a fixed image:

And an example of using the grayscale
option with a fixed image:

Read more in the gatsby-plugin-sharp
Image query fragments
GraphQL includes a concept called “query fragments”, which are a part of a query that can be reused. To ease building with gatsby-image
, Gatsby image processing plugins which support gatsby-image
ship with fragments which you can easily include in your queries.
Note: using fragments in your queries depends on which data source(s) you have configured. Read more in the gatsby-image README.
Common fragments with gatsby-transformer-sharp
Fixed images
Fluid images
About noBase64
If you don’t want to use the blur-up effect, choose the fragment with noBase64
at the end.
About tracedSVG
If you want to use the traced placeholder SVGs, choose the fragment with tracedSVG
at the end.
About withWebP
If you want to automatically use WebP images when the browser supports the file format, use the withWebp
fragments. If the browser doesn’t support WebP, gatsby-image
will fall back to the default image format.
Here’s an example of using a non-default fragment from gatsby-transformer-sharp
. Be sure to pick one that matches your desired image type (fixed or fluid):
For more info on how these options work, check out the Gatsby Image demo:
Additional plugin fragments
Additionally, plugins supporting gatsby-image
currently include gatsby-source-contentful, gatsby-source-datocms and gatsby-source-sanity. See the gatsby-image README for more details.
Gatsby-image props
After you’ve made a query, you can pass additional options to the gatsby-image component.
Name | Type | Description |
fixed | object | Data returned from the fixed query |
fluid | object | Data returned from the fluid query |
fadeIn | bool | Defaults to fading in the image on load |
durationFadeIn | number | fade-in duration is set up to 500ms by default |
title | string | Passed to the rendered HTML img element |
alt | string | Passed to the rendered HTML img element. Defaults to an empty string, e.g. alt="" |
crossOrigin | string | Passed to the rendered HTML img element |
className | string / object | Passed to the wrapper element. Object is needed to support Glamor’s css prop |
style | object | Spread into the default styles of the wrapper element |
imgStyle | object | Spread into the default styles of the actual img element |
placeholderStyle | object | Spread into the default styles of the placeholder img element |
placeholderClassName | string | A class that is passed to the placeholder img element |
backgroundColor | string / bool | Set a colored background placeholder. If true, uses “lightgray” for the color. You can also pass in any valid color string. |
onLoad | func | A callback that is called when the full-size image has loaded. |
onStartLoad | func | A callback that is called when the full-size image starts loading, it gets the parameter { wasCached: <boolean> } provided. |
onError | func | A callback that is called when the image fails to load. |
Tag | string | Which HTML tag to use for wrapping elements. Defaults to div . |
objectFit | string | Passed to the object-fit-images polyfill when importing from gatsby-image/withIEPolyfill . Defaults to cover . |
objectPosition | string | Passed to the object-fit-images polyfill when importing from gatsby-image/withIEPolyfill . Defaults to 50% 50% . |
loading | string | Set the browser’s native lazy loading attribute. One of lazy , eager or auto . Defaults to lazy . |
critical | bool | Opt-out of lazy-loading behavior. Defaults to false . Deprecated, use loading instead. |
Here are some usage examples:
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